Market Saturation And Asking All The Wrong Questions

Oftentimes people ask questions that don’t need to be asked as far as their marketing is concerned for their businesses.

I understand why, it’s because we all tend to try to fit our business and the marketing of our business into what we “expect” should or should not be. This is both dangerous and wrong to do for a variety of reasons.

Note: I’m personally at just as much fault for doing this as anyone else.

It’s important to always ask yourself though, “why” you set certain expectations. Are they based in fact or are they based on what we “think should be”?

An example is this common question . . .

“Should I join XYZ business? It’s been out there for a while, so isn’t market saturation an issue?”

If you don’t know what I mean by market saturation it’s the point at which virtually everyone in the market has been exposed to your business and therefore the effectiveness of your marketing message will hold less power and your conversions will be lower.

This is a dangerous thought pattern to follow or question to ask for a couple of different reasons. Firstly, unless you can quantify what you mean by market saturation you have no way to measure this as a true expectation, and second and more importantly it’s a question based on scarcity.

It stems from the idea that there is only a certain amount of success that can be distributed…

Which is an EXTREMELY dangerous way to think.

You should always approach your business from an abundance standpoint as your own personal thoughts and expectations play as much of a role as anything on the level of success that you can and will acquire.

Secondly, from a quantitative standpoint, there are at least 150,000 new people that show up in the home business arena every single day. I’m not talking about the size of the market on a daily basis, I’m referring to NEW people.

Meaning, that over the course of a month that’s 4.5 million new business seekers out there, with these estimates being very much so on the conservative side.

Now wouldn’t you agree, that that’s MORE than enough to go around? In fact, it would be virtually impossible to find and market to all new aspiring home business Entrepreneurs. All we have to do is find a small fraction, or even a fraction of a fraction of these new aspiring Entrepreneurs in order to create huge levels of success in each of our own businesses.

It doesn’t matter what your business is, there is more abundance out there for you to tap into from all angles than you could ever exploit in a lifetime… And knowing this should keep you excited each and every day. It should be enough to keep you on the edge of your seat in excitement, there is so much out there for you – all you have to do is open yourself up to it.

Let go . . .

Let go of those self-limiting beliefs. It’s scary sometimes to do. It means giving up perceived security, but once you can tackle this hurdle the level of stress you’ll encounter on a daily basis will drop to nothing and you’ll awake each and every day excited for what the world has in store for you.

Don’t try to be perfect. You don’t have to get everything right, you just have to have the courage to open yourself up to true abundance, let go of your perceived self-limitations and join the adventure.

If you know your business is the one that is going to change your life, it doesn’t matter if it’s brand new or if it’s been around for 15 years. All you gotta do is tap into the endless amounts of abundance there is out there, open a few people’s eyes to it and watch the exciting chain reaction that happens afterward.

Whatever you do, don’t limit yourself, don’t let the world limit you, and take a stab at it!

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